Honigum Light


Manufacturer: DMG

Origin: Germany

Package: Cartridge 50ml

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Professional precision for all indications

Since its introduction in 1997 Honigum has evolved to one of the most successful and preferred impression materials worldwide. DMG continues to enhance its product portfolio to meet the dentists’ varying needs. Thus, Honigum offers the highest precision for all indications and techniques.


  • Excellent flow properties
  • Extraordinary stability
  • Balanced hydrophilicity
  • Registers even the finest details
  • Available in two Automix cartridges: 25 ml and 50 ml.

High precision correction-impression material

Honigum-Light is an innovative correction-impression material combining excellent flow properties with exceptional stability.

As a light-bodied material, Honigum-Light is well suited for correction and double mixing impressions and can be combined with Honigum-Heavy or the Honigum-Putty materials.

For its superior product characteristics Honigum received the best »clinical ratings« of all tested VPS materials from the noted »The Dental Advisor«.*

*Elastomeric Impression Materials. The Dental Advisor 2006; 23 (3): 1-7.


DMG-patented cleverness: the rheologically active matrix

The rheologically active matrix allows for flexible behavior in a material’s viscosity. That means: to be stable or flowable depending on the situation. Honigum-Light offers this capacity in a unique manner.

Outstanding stability in the tray and intraorally

At low shear stress Honigum-Light exhibits significantly higher values as competitive materials (see graphic) thus proving its high stability. The material remains at the area where it was applied without running or dripping.Low shear stress
= high viscosity
= extraordinary stability

Outstanding flow properties

Under shear stress (e. g. when inserting the tray into the mouth) the viscosity properties change and Honigum-Light overcomes the alleged opposites: the initially stable material flows below the preparation line and thus provides a perfect detail reproduction

High shear stress
= low viscosity
= outstanding flow properties

This quantum leap in the union of seemingly incompatible property profiles – exceptional stability and extreme flowability is illustrated in the two graphics*.

*C. Luu, and C. Angeletakis, Kerr Corporation, Orange, CA, USA, Shear Thinning Behavior of Silicone Impression Materials, Poster#1849, IADR Honolulu, Hawaii, 2004.

Feature Honigum Light


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